Amazon Peru

Posted By : admin/ 1996

‘The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical ecosystem on the planet, covering an area of South America close to the size of the continental United States. It houses the greatest abundance of life on Earth and thousands of indigenous people rely on this forest for their livelihoods. The Amazon’s forests are so vast they help moderate our planet’s weather patterns and provide natural protection against climate change.’[1] Generations to come will long cotinue to be fascinated by this astonishing forest and its importantce in preserving life on Earth.

The Amazon rainforest has the power to move individuals to do beyond-imaginable things. Ed Stafford, Guinness World Record holder, walked along the Amazon River from its spring in Peru to where it flows to the Atlantic ocean in Brazil. This challenge took him two years. ‘The Amazon River is over 4,000 miles long forming the largest river basin in the world,’ which is why ‘20% of the world’s freshwater flows through the Amazon.’[2]

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Things to Do in Cusco

Posted By : admin/ 1464

South America, Peru, Cusco, Cuzco, Horizontal November 2006. A view of Cusco taken from a high vantage point focusing on the Main Square (Plaza de Armas). The Plaza de Armas (main square) was the centre of Inca Cusco and, still today, remains at the heart of modern Cusco. During Inca times the Plaza was known as Huacaypata (the Place of Tears or the Weeping Square) and was a place of ceremonies and military parades. It has been said that when the Inca's conquered new lands they would bring back some of the soil to be mixed with the soil of Huacaypata, as a symbolic gesture to incorporate the newly gained territories into the Inca empire. The Plaza was once flanked with Inca palaces. The remains of the ancient walls of Inca Pachacutec's palace can still be seen on the north-west side of the square, inside the Roma Restaurant close to the corner of the Plaza and Calle Plateros. The northern and western sides of the Plaza are now lined by arcades with shops and travel agencies. There are many restaurants, bars and coffee shops with beautifully carved wooden balconies overlooking the Plaza - a great place to relax and enjoy the view. The Plaza's north-eastern edge is dominated by the Cathedral which is flanked on the right-hand side by the El Triunfo church. On the south-east side is the smaller but more ornate church of La Compania de Jesus with its impressive pair of belfries.

First Adjust to the Alitude. Here in Cusco we are 3,300m above sea-level, so it is best to spend the first day resting. Re-hydrate, limit alcohol intake, and eat slowly, in order to best acclimatize. Chewing coca leaves or one morning cup of coca tea are known remedies for the lower oxygen levels in the altitude. Relaxing camomile tea is recommended for the rest of the day. Had a rest? Now you are ready for Cusco!

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Ruben, Congratulations on Your Graduation as a Mountain Guide!

Posted By : admin/ 1333

Yamil, Ruben, PieroRuben (in the picture in the middle between Yamil on the left and Piero on the right) has recently graduated from the Antonio Lorena Institute here in Cusco, Peru and became our newest mountain guide – one example of an opportunity that redistributing the tourism income can open up.

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Latest Alpaca News – Nobody Escapes Getting a Trim

Posted By : admin/ 1301

Alpaca trekkersIt’s been quite some time since November 2014 when the first herd of donated alpacas slowly walked into their old-new home near Cusco, Peru. The project began in 2013 with an expertly study of the environment and especially the local grasses. It was most important to make sure that the Andean Camelids originally from Cordillera Vilcanota will prosper before reintroducing them near different communities in the Cordillera Vilcabamba. The necessary funds have been collected thanks to the successful partnership with Dragoman – an overland travel agency from the United Kingdom. Finally the alpacas have returned to the area after having been extinct for 200 years. To this date there are total of 3 herds of alpacas in the mountains and this year 11 new alpaca babies were born. The more animals the better the genome of the species will be preserved  and the further they will spread over their original habitat.

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Lares – Alternative Route to Machu Picchu

Posted By : admin/ 1304

###Lares_BaaaThe remote Lares Valley is an excellent trekking place if you want to escape the crowds, clicking of cameras and experience genuine encounters with the local people.[1]

Remote Andean Villages

Breathtaking Landscapes

Hot Medicinal Springs

No Crowds or Overly-Traveled Trails

Personalized Service, Quality, Equipment, and Excellent Meals

‘Situated among the eastern slopes of the Andes and the northern sector of the Cordillera Urubamba, the Lares Valley is a wondrous place of brilliant glacial lakes and sub-tropical valleys filled with a rich assortment of vegetation and wildlife’ [2] with glaciers in the background. Small Quechua-speaking communities live in the Lares Valley continuing centuries old the farming, herding and weaving traditions of their ancestors.

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