Category: Adventure

Ausangate Circuit Trek

Posted By : admin/ 2357

AusangateThe Ausangate trekking circuit goes through some of the most beautiful landscapes of the Cusco region.[*] The five or six days of this itinerary goes around the Ausangate Mountain –  Awsanqati in Quechua – along hot springs, and pristine turquoise blue and red lakes. The views of the glacier are amazing. The region is home to ‘one of the few remaining pastoralist societies in the world’ herding llamas and alpacas.[1] This high elevation is also the natural habitat of graceful vicuñas, the non-domesticated kind of the Andean Camelids. Most of the year the trail is covered with sparkling snow reflecting gleaming sun rays. No wonder that Ausagnate trek is the 4th best in the world according to ranking.

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Choquequirao Trek to Machu Picchu

Posted By : admin/ 1519

choquequirao1Which is the most beautiful trekking route in the Cusco region? Choquequirao trek to Machu Picchu is on the very top of the list.[*] This extraordinary 7-day journey into remote region where the Andes meet the Amazon goes through low river valleys, high mountain passes with amazing views of the surrounding snows-capped mountains, and sub-tropical cloudforest. It’s a great opportunity to see the variety of wildlife (Andean condors, even spectacled bear) and vegetation (bromeliads, orchids) that inhabit these environments. The well preserved Inca Trail also leads the trekkers through time into secluded Andean villages and to three archeological sites: Choquequirao, Llactapata, and Machu Picchu. This off-the-beaten-track experience offers the best of Cusco with the bonus of very few visitors on the route all the way before reaching Machu Picchu.

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Inca Trail to Machu Picchu

Posted By : admin/ 1711

Huchuy Qosqo 1The Qhapaq Ñan, also known as the Andean Road System or Inca Trail is ‘the most extensive and advanced transportation system in pre-Columbian South America.’[1] Parts of this immense network are visited by thousands of trekkers every year hiking the Classic Inca Trail, the Short Inca Trail, the Premium Inca Trail, and the Huchuy Qosqo route on their way to Machu Picchu. Comuneros still transit the Andean paths, as they are often their only way home connecting the pre and the post-colonial history.[2] ‘Of the sixty thousand kilometers that make up the Qhapaq Ñan, nearly half run through Peruvian territory.’ [3]  The rest can be found in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador. 25% of the original structure survived till today and is now protected by UNESCO; the rest was destroyed by the Spanish conquest and building of modern infrastructure. [4]

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Peru For Less

Posted By : admin/ 1661

Peru For Less .Peru is an excellent destination for travellers on a budget. When is it safe and smart to save money? How to make the most of your Peruvian holidays? How to travel through Peru for less?

Learn about useful tips regarding planning, packing, accommodation, food, health, transport, and souvenirs to avoid tourist traps and unnecessary expenses.





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Touring Peru

Posted By : admin/ 1528

PeruIn Peru all roads lead to Machu Picchu. The Qhapaq Ñan the road network of Tahuantinsuyo – The Inca Empire – embodies this. If Machu Picchu is among the new World Wonders, so should be Qhapaq Ñan, which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2014. Many of the yearly visitors come to Machu Picchu hiking parts of Qhapaq Ñan through routes like the Classic Inca Trail, the Premium Inca Trail, or Huchuy Qosqo to Machu Picchu. It is no surprise that Machu Picchu is the climax of the journey through Peru.

However, Peru has so much more to offer. There are the three different environments of costa – the coast, sierra – the mountains, and selva – the jungle and there are many different civilizations that rose and fell through the long pre-latino history of today’s Peru.

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Machu Picchu Mountain

Posted By : admin/ 1713 1

South America, Peru, Machu Picchu, Horizontal November 2006. "Dragoman" are an overland adventure holiday company that offer trips to most parts of the world with holidays varying from 2 weeks to 6 months. In Peru part of the trip includes the Inca Trail - this is a trekking "holiday" that will generally be anything from 1 to 7 days where the route and difficulty will vary and end at Machu Picchu. This picture was taken from a high view point at the sun gate to give a better overview. Machu Picchu - sometimes called the "Lost City of the Incas" is a well-preserved pre-Columbian Inca ruin located at 2,430 m (7,970 ft) on a mountain ridge. Machu Picchu is located above the Urubamba Valley in Peru, about 70 km (44 mi) northwest of Cuzco. Forgotten for centuries by the outside world, although not by locals, it was brought back to international attention by Yale archaeologist Hiram Bingham who rediscovered it in 1911, and wrote a best-selling work about it. Peru is pursuing legal efforts to retrieve thousands of artifacts that Bingham removed from the site. Machu Picchu is probably the most familiar symbol of the Inca Empire and since 1983 the site has been designated as a United Nations Educational World Heritage Site and has been the subject of concern about damage caused by tourism.It is thought that the city was built by the Sapa Inca Pachacuti, starting in about 1440, and was inhabited until the Spanish conquest of Peru in 1532. Archaeological evidence shows that Machu Picchu was not a conventional city, but a country retreat town for Inca nobility (similar to the Roman villas). The site has a large palace and temples dedicated to Inca deities around a courtyard, with other buildings for support staff. It is estimated that a maximum of only about 750 people resided in Machu Picchu at any one time, and probably only a small fraction of that number lived in the town during the rainy season and when none of the nobility were visiting.It is thought that the siteMachu Picchu citadel sits between two mountains: the Young Peak – Huayna Picchu and the less famous Old Peak – Machu Picchu Mountain or Cerro Machu Picchu. This mountain located opposite to Huayna Picchu on the other side of Machu Picchu between the city itself and Inti Punku – Sun Gate, which is the entrance point to Machu Picchu Citadel from the Classic Inca Trail trekking route. The location of Machu Picchu Mountain offers a spectacular panoramic view of the Inca Citadel, Huayna Picchu, Putucusi Mountain, the River Urubamba, and the surrounding landscape with the snowy Andean peaks in the background.

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Machu Picchu, Inca Trail, and the Famous

Posted By : admin/ 1207

Machu PicchuMachu Picchu World Heritage Site is about 1000 meters lower in the altitude than the former Inca Capital Cusco. Visit to the archeological site doesn’t require any particular level of fitness, which is among the many reasons why Machu Picchu attracts people from all over the world including the royals and the famous. The 42 kilometers (26 miles) of the Classic Inca Trail trekking route is a very different challenge. And it gets individuals no less extraordinary to push their limits on the most well-known trekking route of South America.

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Amazon Peru

Posted By : admin/ 1996

‘The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical ecosystem on the planet, covering an area of South America close to the size of the continental United States. It houses the greatest abundance of life on Earth and thousands of indigenous people rely on this forest for their livelihoods. The Amazon’s forests are so vast they help moderate our planet’s weather patterns and provide natural protection against climate change.’[1] Generations to come will long cotinue to be fascinated by this astonishing forest and its importantce in preserving life on Earth.

The Amazon rainforest has the power to move individuals to do beyond-imaginable things. Ed Stafford, Guinness World Record holder, walked along the Amazon River from its spring in Peru to where it flows to the Atlantic ocean in Brazil. This challenge took him two years. ‘The Amazon River is over 4,000 miles long forming the largest river basin in the world,’ which is why ‘20% of the world’s freshwater flows through the Amazon.’[2]

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Machu Picchu Weather

Posted By : admin/ 2323 3

Machu Picchu SunriseGenerally speaking there are two marked seasons in Cusco and Machu Picchu: the rainy season October through mid-April, although this year the intense rains arrived  later – in the beginning of November, and the dry season April/May through September.

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Things to Do in the Sacred Valley

Posted By : admin/ 1367

Cusco Inca 3Stretching along the Vilcanota River, also called Urubamba, the Sacred Valley of the Incas is surrounded by dramatic mountain peaks capped with snow all year long. The river’s name comes from Aymara word Willkanuta, which means ´House of the Sun;´ in Quechua it is called Willkamayu meaning the Sacred River – both original Andean Languages[1]. The Sacred Valley once was an important agricultural, spiritual, and political center for the Inca Empire. Today, due to its lower altitude and warmer climate compared to Cusco, it’s a much sought after destination to relax and acclimatize. The landscape is especially beautiful at its greenest during or after the rainy season.

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